We all know college is expensive. Being smart with your money is an important skill to learn early on, and the best way to start is by developing a college funding plan to help afford your college experience—and avoid debt.
Ready to start? Application fees are one of the very first costs you’re going to face as a college applicant. While common, these fees are not universal, and there’s little harm in applying to schools that don’t charge.
So, which colleges and universities in the US don’t charge application fees?
First off, what exactly are college application fees?
College application fees are charges that universities and colleges require when you submit your application. These fees help institutions manage the costs of processing applications, reviewing credentials, and maintaining their admission systems.
Essentially, these fees cover the administrative costs associated with evaluating each applicant.
So, how much do these fees typically cost?
On average, college application fees range from $50 to $90. However, some prestigious universities can charge up to $100 or more per application. For example, Stanford University and Duke University both have application fees of $90. If you’re applying to multiple schools, these fees can quickly add up, making fee-free applications an attractive option for budget-conscious students.
Worried about these costs? Let’s talk about fee waivers.
Fee waivers are available for students who demonstrate financial need. They can significantly reduce the burden of application costs. To qualify, you typically need to meet certain criteria, such as:
You can request fee waivers through your high school counselor or directly from the colleges to which you are applying. The College Board organization, which administers the SAT and the ACT, offers fee waiver programs for both exams.
This video offers a fun introduction to fee waivers:
Ready for more tips? Empowerly has helped our students land over $21.5 million in scholarships over four years, in the 2024 graduating class alone. If you would like to talk to an expert and take advantage of all the resources available to you, consider working with a college counselor. Student wellness is our goal, and that encompasses financial well-being. Let’s make a plan to set your child up for success.