Nowadays, almost all technical documentation is provided in the PDF format. PDF documents can be viewed in free PDF readers like Adobe Reader. However, sometimes you may want to include some text or images from a PDF file in your own document, or edit that file (which may be an article, contract, report, etc.). In the first case, you’ll need to extract text or images from a PDF file. In theory, Adobe Reader has some built-in features for doing that, but the result is usually less than perfect. In the second case, you’ll have to convert the PDF file into a more editable format such as MS Word while keeping the initial document layout. Alas, Adobe Reader cannot do that at all.
To solve this problem, you can use the PDF to Word convertor developed by Quick-PDF Software. That application lets you convert any PDF document into the RTF or DOCX format in a few clicks.
Here’s how you can include the convertor features into your own services and automate the conversion.
Use the following syntax to run the convertor from command line:
PDF2WORD.exe –input -output [-password -from -to]
-input : Sets the path to the initial PDF file. A mandatory parameter.
-output : Sets the path to the output file, which may be RTF or DOC. A mandatory parameter.
-password : Enter the password (if any) for accessing the initial PDF file. An optional parameter.
-from : Enter the page number to start conversion from. If this number exceeds the number of pages in the document or the “-to” parameter’s argument, then conversion will start from the first page. An optional parameter.
-to : Enter the page number to end conversion with. If this number exceeds the number of pages in the document or is less than the “-to” parameter’s argument, then conversion will continue to include the last page. An optional parameter.