EFTA and Korea celebrate the 15-year anniversary of their free trade agreement

Welcoming Speech Ambassador Linus von Castelmur © Embassy of Switzerland

On 15 November 2021, a hybrid event celebrating the 15-year anniversary of the entry into force of the EFTA–Korea free trade agreement took place at the Four Seasons hotel in Seoul and online.

The event, named “Open Korea: Opportunities for growth in Asia’s most innovative country” was co-organised by the Embassy of Switzerland in the Republic of Korea, the Royal Embassy of Norway in Seoul and the EFTA Secretariat, with the support of EFTA Member States, chambers of commerce and business associations.

The aim of the event was to celebrate the anniversary of the well-functioning agreement and to raise awareness among Korean stakeholders of the need for its modernisation.

The event was marked by several interventions from high-level officials from EFTA and Korea, including a recorded keynote speech from H.E. Jan Christian Vestre, the Norwegian Minister of Trade and Industry and an address from EFTA Secretary-General Henri Gétaz.

These were followed by a panel discussion with the participation of former Korean Minister of Trade H.E. Bark Taeho and a number of private sector representatives.

Total merchandise trade between the EFTA States and Korea stood at USD 6.9 billion in 2020. The EFTA States exported goods valued at USD 4.8 billion and imported goods worth USD 2.1 billion. Since the signing of the FTA, trade flows between EFTA and Korea have increased threefold.

The complete programme for the event can be found here.

The address of the EFTA Secretary-General is available here: