Specializations & Minors

Student working on a computer in Fisher classroom

Students work with their Academic Advisor to develop an individualized plan that could include a business specialization, a major outside of business, minors, or any combination of these curricular opportunities.

As a business major, you will select one of 12 specializations or the Business Management program (only offered on our regional campuses). Specializations provide in-depth course work with a focus on a specific area of study in business.

Choosing a Specialization


Accounting is the design and implementation of financial and cost accounting system, both budget and actual . Accountants monitor operations through assembling, analyzing and interpreting the essential dollars and cents information of the organization. It is the maintenance and analysis of records, to provide the planning, control and evaluation necessary to improve financial operations


Accounting Curriculum

Combined Undergraduate/Graduate Program

Undergraduate accounting majors at Fisher with grade point averages of 3.5 or higher may combine the graduate MAcc degree with their undergraduate degree and earn both degrees at the same time. This option allows top students interested in the MAcc degree to complete the two degrees jointly and count a number of graduate courses towards both degrees. Contact the Graduate Programs Office for more information.

Winter "Busy Season" Accounting Internships

Extracurricular Opportunities

There are many ways for students specializing in Accounting to enhance their education beyond the classroom. You can choose from hundreds of Ohio State student organizations, in addition to other opportunities offered by Fisher. Including the following student orgs:

Learn more about Accounting through the Office of Career Management. If you are interested in completing the CPA exam for licensure in Ohio, please visit the following website for information on guidelines and requirements: CPA (Ohio Accountancy Board).

Sample Course Model
YearAutumn SemesterSpring Semester
ACCTMIS Elective

*Accounting specialization students must earn a C- or greater

Aviation Management

Aviation Management students at Fisher will typically work for either an airline or airport in a business role. The Center for Aviation Studies works with Aviation students from Business, Engineering and Arts & Sciences and has great partnerships with the industry's most influential companies. This allows students to get valuable professional experience with an industry leader in the aviation field.


Aviation Curriculum:

Other information:

Extracurricular Opportunities:

There are many ways for students specializing in Aviation to enhance their education beyond the classroom. You can choose from hundreds of Ohio State student organizations, in addition to other opportunities offered by Fisher.

Aviation 4000 (Autumn only)

Business Management - Regional Campuses ONLY

Business Management students register for and complete courses through Ohio State's Lima, Mansfield, Marion and Newark campuses.

Upon completion of the curriculum requirements, students will receive the same undergraduate BSBA degree they would have received had they attended classes on the Columbus campus. Please note: business majors in regional campus programs may choose a specialization, but doing so requires completion of some courses at the Columbus campus.

Courses delivered to the regional campuses are designed to be equivalent to those offered on the Columbus campus. However, there are some differences in form because the regional campus Business Major program is offered partly online and partly in the classroom.

Undergraduate Business Minor at Ohio State Regional Campuses

The Business Minor offered through nationally-ranked Fisher College of Business offers Ohio State students the opportunity to enhance their selected field of study while making themselves more desirable job candidates. The minor is available at all four of Ohio State's regional campuses: Lima, Mansfield, Marion, and Newark.


Economists develop theories to explain how components of an economy operate and interact with one another. They then gather statistical and empirical evidence to estimate the relationships among the various aspects of the economy. Using data, economists predict how different economic entities will respond to changes in policies and external forces. These predictions, in turn, help guide private and public decision-makers to form appropriate policies.


Economics Curriculum:

Extracurricular Opportunities:

There are many ways for students specializing in Economics to enhance their education beyond the classroom. You can choose from hundreds of Ohio State student organizations, in addition to other opportunities offered by Fisher.

Sample Course Model
YearAutumn SemesterSpring Semester
1Econ 2001.01, 2001.02, or 2001.03HEcon 2002.01. 2002.02, or 2002.03H
3Econ 4001.01, 4001.02, or 4001.03Econ 4002.01, 4002.02, or 4002.03
4Econ 4XXX or 5XXX
Econ 4XXX or 5XXX
Econ 4XXX or 5XXX
Econ 4XXX or 5XXX


Finance is the study of how to allocate scarce resources over time, so as to satisfy people's consumption preferences. The financial officer has responsibility in such activities as funds and cost analysis, investments, the formulating of credit and other financial operating policies.


Learn more about Finance through the Office of Career Management. If you are interested in certification, please visit the following website for more information on guidelines and requirements: CFA (Chartered Financial Analyst)

Finance Curriculum:

Extracurricular Opportunities:

There are many ways for students specializing in Finance to enhance their education beyond the classroom. You can choose from hundreds of Ohio State student organizations, in addition to other opportunities offered by Fisher.

BUSFIN 4219 or 4229 or 4239

* Finance specialization students must earn a C- or greater

Human Resources

Human Resources is a general term used to describe a variety of functions aimed at effectively managing an organization's employees. HR oversees the people side of an organization including compensation and benefits, career development, training, and hiring. They assist organizations to meet their strategic goals by attracting and retaining qualified employees, and managing them effectively while ensuring that the organization complies with all appropriate labor laws. Job activities can involve writing job descriptions, interviewing and testing applicants, administering salary and benefit programs, staff training, dealing with rule violation and conducting research in employment problems.


Human Resources Curriculum:

Extracurricular Opportunities:

There are many ways for students specializing in Human Resources to enhance their education beyond the classroom. You can choose from hundreds of Ohio State student organizations, in addition to other opportunities offered by Fisher.

Sample Course Model
YearAutumn SemesterSpring Semester
3Bus -MHR 3200Bus - MHR 4320
Bus - MHR 4323
4Bus - MHR 4322
Bus - MHR 4326
Bus - MHR 4330
Bus - MHR 4490
Bus - MHR 4324
HR major option

*Human Resources specialization students must earn a C- or greater

Information Systems

Information Systems is the art of applying information technology to enhance productivity, efficiency and effectiveness of business processes. Companies need the skills offered by information systems majors to help them design, implement and manage the systems that support their operations, management and decision making functions. Every area of business depends on technology; info systems can also be used to help increase revenue and provide a competitive edge. The objective is to enhance productivity by improving the efficiency and effectiveness of business processes. Computers and other information technologies are the technical foundations or the tools of information systems.


Learn more about Information Systems through the Office of Career Management.

Information Systems Curriculum:

** If you've completed CSE 2133, you are on the Before AU 2022 with Legacy GE curriculum. If you have not, you are on the Since AU 2022 with Legacy GE curriculum.

Extracurricular Opportunities:

There are many ways for students specializing in Information Systems to enhance their education beyond the classroom. You can choose from hundreds of Ohio State student organizations, in addition to other opportunities offered by Fisher.

Acct&MIS 2300
CSE 2123

Math 2366 (only offered Spring)


Insurance is the study of methods used by organizations and individuals to manage activities whose outcomes cannot be forecasted exactly, such as measures taken to reduce the risk of damage to physical assets, exposure to legal liability, or injury to employees or customers. In organizations, the purpose of insurance is to enable the organization to progress toward its goals and objectives on a direct, efficient and effective path. Insurance is an element of virtually any area of management specialization. The program is designed to provide students with a firm foundation in general principles as well as familiarity with methods used by organizations and individuals to manage risks.


Insurance Curriculum:

Extracurricular Opportunities:

There are many ways for students specializing in insurance to enhance their education beyond the classroom. You can choose from hundreds of Ohio State student organizations, in addition to other opportunities offered by Fisher.

Sample Course Model
1ECON 2001.01ECON 2002.01
3BUSFIN 3220*BUSFIN 3300
4Finance elective
Finance elective

*Insurance specialization students must earn a C- or greater

International Business

International Business (IB) prepares one to understand and participate in worldwide productions and distribution activities. Study of domestic, international, and foreign business environments and of business practices and problems related to them.


International Business Curriculum:

Extracurricular Opportunities:

There are many ways for students specializing in International Business to enhance their education beyond the classroom. You can choose from hundreds of Ohio State student organizations, in addition to other opportunities offered by Fisher.

Sample Course Model
YearAutumn SemesterSpring Semester
2 BUSMHR 2000*
3BUSMHR 3000*BUSMHR 4020
4IB electiveIB elective
IB elective

*International Business specialization students must earn a C- or greater

International Experience Policy: Students must complete an international experience as part of the international business specialization.

This must be an educational international experience, such as a study abroad, internship or professional experience abroad. Any program offered through Fisher’s Office of Global Business is accepted. For any other experience, please work with an academic advisor to ensure that the planned experience is meeting the below requirements:

In general, vacation travel or mission trips would not be accepted to meet this requirement. Questions? Please contact an academic advisor.

Logistics Management

Logistics Management is concerned with the design and management of systems for the movement of products from points of production to points of consumption. Such systems typically encompass activities such as transportation, warehousing, materials handling, inventory planning, customer service, facility location, scheduling and purchasing.


Logistics Management Curriculum:

Extracurricular Opportunities:

There are many ways for students specializing in Logistics to enhance their education beyond the classroom. You can choose from hundreds of Ohio State student organizations, in addition to other opportunities offered by Fisher.

Sample Course Model
YearAutumn SemesterSpring Semester
3BUSML 3380*BUSML 4380
BUSML 4383
BUSML 5381
4BUSML 4382
Logistics elective
Logistics elective
Logistics elective
Logistics elective

*Logistics Management specialization students must earn a C- or greater


Marketing is the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion and distribution of ideas goods and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational objectives. Often the career path to top management is through marketing management because marketing products and services is how companies generate revenues. The conception, promotion and physical distribution of goods and services to satisfy the economic needs of society.


Marketing Curriculum:

Extracurricular Opportunities:

There are many ways for students specializing in Marketing to enhance their education beyond the classroom. You can choose from hundreds of Ohio State student organizations, in addition to other opportunities offered by Fisher.

Sample Course Model
YearAutumn SemesterSpring Semester
3BUSML 3250*BUSML 4201
BUSML 4202
4BUSML 4203
BUSML 4204
Marketing elective
Marketing elective
Marketing elective
Marketing elective

*Marketing specialization students must earn a C- or greater

Operations Management

Operations Management can refer to all the activities related to producing and managing an organization's goods and services. Operations takes various inputs (labor, materials, capital, information, time, energy) and transforms those into the wide array of outputs of goods and services. Companies recognize that the operations functions can be a competitive weapon to strengthen their position in today's market place as they seek to improve productivity while still providing a broad array of high quality products and services.


Operations Curriculum by track:

Students majoring in Operations Management may choose from one of two tracks: Purchasing and Operations. Please see the advising sheets below for each track. Students will need to declare which track they intend to pursue by contacting an Academic Advisor.

Extracurricular Opportunities:

There are many ways for students specializing in Operations to enhance their education beyond the classroom. You can choose from hundreds of Ohio State student organizations, in addition to other opportunities offered by Fisher.

Sample Operations track Course Model. *Operations Management students in either track must earn a C- or greater.
YearAutumn SemesterSpring Semester
3BUSOBA 3230*BUSMGT 4250
4BUSOBA 4239
Operations elective
Operations elective
Operations elective
Operations elective
Sample Purchasing track Course Model
YearAutumn SemesterSpring Semester
3BUSOBA 3230*BUSMGT 4232
4BUSOBA 4262
Operations elective
Operations elective
Operations elective
Operations elective

Real Estate

Real Estate involves working with all those who manage, buy, sell, rent, lease, or invest in residential and/or commercial property. Real estate and urban analysis also includes application of economic trends, business trends, zoning laws, financial services and knowledge of urban society as they meet the needs of people and businesses who need to buy or sell property.


Learn more about Real Estate through the Office of Career Management. If you are interested in Ohio Real Estate licensure, please visit the following website for information on guidelines and requirements: R.E. (Ohio Real Estate Licensing)

Real Estate Curriculum:

Extracurricular Opportunities:

There are many ways for students specializing in Real Estate to enhance their education beyond the classroom. You can choose from hundreds of Ohio State student organizations, in addition to other opportunities offered by Fisher.

Sample Course Model
YearAutumn SemesterSpring Semester
3BUSFIN 3220*
4Finance electiveBUSFIN 4413 or 4414

*Real Estate specialization students must earn a C- or greater

Special Area

The Special Area Specialization is designed for students who have well-defined academic and career interests which are not represented by the twelve specializations offered by the BSBA program. Students must be self-motivated and willing to work in consultation with faculty to develop a cohesive and interdisciplinary area of study.

Special Area Specialization (SAS)

Steps to declaring a Special Area specialization:

  1. Complete a thorough search of University academic programs (majors and minors) to ensure that the idea for the SAS does not exist at Ohio State through another college or department.
  2. Talk to faculty in different departments about the SAS and potential courses for the major to make sure the program is well thought out and the courses are at an appropriate level of depth for the major.
  3. Schedule an appointment with an Academic Advisor in the Fisher Undergraduate Programs and Advising office to go over the SAS application and requirements.
  4. Complete an application for the SAS that includes:
  5. Students must have a 3.0 GPA at Ohio State for the SAS to be approved and have completed a minimum of 30 OSU hours.

Do you want to change your specialization?

You should email your current advisor to request a change of specialization by the below deadlines:

In order to change your specialization, you must meet the below requirements and admission is not guaranteed:

It is recommended you be admitted into your specialization of choice at least three semesters prior to graduation. Questions? Schedule an appointment with an advisor.

Are you considering a second specialization? Please keep in mind the second specialization policy.

Minors & Other Certifications

You can choose from more than 150 minors at Ohio State, some with a direct relationship to business (which are highlighted below) and many others from disciplines outside the field of business.

We offer the following business minors:

Business Minor

The Business Minor is designed to provide students in majors other than business with an understanding of the language and basic concepts of business. The minor consists of five courses, one each from the areas of accounting, finance, management and human resources, marketing, and operations management.

The Business Minor does not have an application process. Upon completing the curriculum requirements, a student need only to file the Business Minor Program Form with their college office. No approval from the Fisher College of Business is required.

The Ford Motor Company provided financial support to help develop this program.

Contact information

Undergraduate Programs Office
Fisher College of Business
120 Schoenbaum Hall
210 Woodruff Avenue
Columbus, OH 43210
(614) 292-2715

Business Analytics Minor

Designed with extensive input from industry interested in hiring individuals to work with “big data,” the Business Analytics Minor is an opportunity for students across disciplines to complement their major with skills in this fast-growing and important field.

What is Business Analytics?

Business analytics is the process of transforming data into insights for better business decisions. The Business Analytics Minor provides an understanding of how to extract patterns to predict behavior and other business outcomes as well as the ability to make informed decisions using a data-driven approach. A three-stage framework is used to build these skills:

Learning Objectives:

Extracurricular Opportunities:

There are many ways for students interested in analytics to enhance their education beyond the classroom. You can choose from hundreds of Ohio State student organizations, in addition to other opportunities offered by Fisher.

Curriculum Requirements:

The Business Analytics Minor consists of 15 credit hours, including nine hours of required courses and six hours of elective courses.

Entrepreneurship & Innovation Minor

The Undergraduate Entrepreneurship & Innovation Minor is offered through a collaboration of the following colleges: Fisher College of Business, the College of Engineering, and the College of Arts and Sciences (Department of Design).

Designed for capturing the economic value in creative ideas for commercially viable products and services, this educational program enhances a student’s understanding of and appreciation for entrepreneurship and innovation.

For students who have begun the Entrepreneurship Minor prior to Spring 2015, please speak to an Academic Advisor.

Insurance Minor

The minor is designed (1) to provide students with an opportunity to complement their major studies with a specialization in Insurance; (2) to engage students from different majors to create an interdisciplinary classroom experience; and (3) to prepare students for various employment opportunities in the rapidly growing field of insurance.

Why Insurance?

The international Business Minors is designed to provide students with an opportunity to complement their major studies with a deeper understanding of how the global economy works, to develop a greater appreciation of business opportunities and risks associated with a more interconnected world, and to prepare students for working in cross-national settings.

The International Business Minors consists of 15 credit hours, including nine hours of required courses and six hours of elective courses.

Real Estate Minor

The Real Estate Minor provides an interdisciplinary introduction to core issues in real estate finance, city and urban planning and construction management and prepares students for the various employment opportunities in the field of real estate. While the minor draws on classes from three different departments (Department of Finance, Department of City and Regional Planning and Department of Construction System Management), students are free to select courses that best compliment their current major.

What is Real Estate?

The real estate industry offers a number of exciting career paths for students of different academic backgrounds. Depending on students’ personal interests, they can pursue careers in real estate investment, real estate development, property and asset management, consulting, marketing, commercial brokerage, construction, accounting, design, architecture, planning and many others. The real estate minor is designed to provide students with an overview of this vibrant industry and provide them with industry specific skills and knowledge.

Curriculum Requirements

The real estate minor consists of a total of 15 credit hours:

• College algebra (Math 1130 or 1148 or equivalent or higher) or math placement level M or L

• Microeconomics (Econ 2001.01 or equivalent) - Credits: 3

Required courses (15 total credit hours):

• BUSFIN 3400 – Introduction to Real Estate – Credits: 3

12 elective hours of your choice- see below.

Elective courses

Each student has to fulfill 12 elective credit hours. Students will be encouraged to take courses from each of the three disciplines represented, but it is not required.

• BUSFIN 4410 – Real Estate Finance – Credits: 3

• BUSFIN 4411 – Real Estate Management – Credits: 3

• BUSFIN 4412 – Real Estate Law – Credits: 3

• BUSFIN 4413 – Real Estate Planning and Development – Credits: 3

• BUSFIN 5402 – Real Estate Valuation – Credits: 3

• BUSML 4380 – Advanced Logistics Management – Credits: 1.5

• BUSML 4388 – Warehouse Operations – Credits: 1.5

• CRP 3400 – Planning for Sustainable Economic Development – Credits: 3

• CRP 3600 – Land Development – Credits: 3

• CRP 5010 – Historic Preservation Planning – Credits: 3

• CRP 5400 – Planning for Housing – Credits: 3

• CONSYSM 2205 – Introduction to Construction Project Management – Credits: 3

• CONSYSM 2310 – Electrical and Lighting Systems – Credits: 3

• CONSYSM 2345 – Mechanical Systems for Buildings – Credits: 3

• CONSYSM 5670 – Green Building and Sustainable Construction – Credits: 3

For more information about the minor and about other real estate related opportunities, please visit the Center for Real Estate.

Other Certifications:

Global Option in Business (GO Business)

Enhance your degree by incorporating global opportunities through the Global Option in Business (GO Business) program, a university approved micro-credential.

What is GO Business?

Learn the impact of global cultural diversity, the benefits of including global perspectives, how to navigate a different business culture, and the critical knowledge to bridge differences, you can develop as a dynamic global citizen and business leader! The requirements are designed to equip students with the knowledge, skills, and qualities to thrive in the global business world. Show your global academic achievements and your global mindset to future recruiters who are increasingly in search of candidates with global talent.

You are able to complete the program without adding time to graduation by selecting courses and experiences that are already a part of your business degree.

Overview of Program Requirements:

To receive the Global Option in Business designation, students will complete the following requirements:

Dean's Leadership Academy

Leaders solve societal challenges, empower others, and elevate our quality of life. Start making a positive impact today by developing your leadership skills in the Dean’s Leadership Academy!

Why participate in the Dean's Leadership Academy?

Employers look to hire students who possess the following skills: teamwork (78% of employers), problem solving (77% of employers) and effective communication (75% of employers). By completing the DLA coursework, you will build these and many more.

Curriculum Requirements:

To complete the Certificate, you must complete five (5) of the courses listed below:


MHR 2210: Personal Leadership and Team Effectiveness (3 credits)


  1. MHR 4244: Negotiations (3 credits)
  2. MHR 3211: Leadership and Character (3 credits)
  3. MHR 3220: Leadership Legacy (3 credits)
  4. MHR 4228: Organizational Coaching (3 credits)
  5. MHR 4235: Developing Leaders through Practical Exercises (3 credits)
  6. MHR 4236: Crucial Conversations (3 credits)