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Over 275 million people use Foxit Reader (foxitsoftware.com) as their PDF reader on their computers. If you're a Windows Phone user, you can now install the company's MobilePDF Reader on your phone. It has been released as a Universal Windows app, so you can also install it on your Windows tablet. It's quick and dependable. Want to see it in action? Check out our hands-on video.
Foxit MobilePDF is built on the same core technology as Foxit Reader. You are able to read and navigate PDF documents.
The documents section of the MobilePDF reader shows your recently viewed files. You can see the file name, file size and time last viewed. There doesn't seem to be any loading time when opening documents. They open immediately on my Lumia Icon. PDF documents are shown in continuous mode by default. This means you scroll down to browse like it's web page. You can change this to single mode, which requires you to swipe left to go to the next page. You can tap the search button at the bottom if you need to look for something in the document.
Foxit MobilePDF Reader supports landscape view. You can also see the file properties by tapping the three dots on the lower right corner and selecting properties. Unfortunately, this initial version does not support comments, highlights, or annotations like the Android and iOS versions of this app. We look forward to that in a future update. On a positive note, Foxit MobilePDF has the ability to open files from OneDrive.
There are other free PDF readers for Windows Phone like Adobe Reader and Microsoft PDF Reader, but Foxit MobilePDF is worth checking out. Give it a try and let us know which one you prefer.
Thanks for the tip, Praveen N.!
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Mark Guim is Video Editor at Windows Central. He switched to Windows because the MacBook Pro isn't Pro enough. You can follow him on Twitter at @markguim.